Welcome to Bethany Lutheran Early Childhood Center

Our mission is to provide a nurturing Christ-centered environment for children to develop physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

— Matthew 19:14

Our goals are for our children to:

  • Know the love of Jesus and see God’s love in the world around them in order to nurture faith.

  • Develop skills in decision making, problem solving and self-reliance through teacher directed and child directed tasks and experiments.

  • Experience success as active learners in order to develop their God-given potential and grow in self-esteem.

  • Grow in ability to interact positively with peers and adults.

  • Develop their ability to use language, letters and numbers, represent experiences and ideas, reason logically and understand time and spatial relationships.

  • Develop small and large muscle skills through music and movement.

  • Have fun and grow each school day!